I need to share my frustrations

I have been following your posts because I have 2 EE's about 18 months old and they both haven't laid in a month.
It's very frustrating.
Have you tried yogurt?
I have a RIR that did the same thing, even though she ate oyster shells and is fed layer crumbles.
They love yogurt. No problems since.
I am coming to believe that calcium absorption (as opposed to intake) is a big part of whether a hen can lay. I had one who laid fine and one who got egg-bound (a calcium uptake deficiency, I've learned) on the same feed. Different breeds, so different abilities to absorb calcium.

If your problem hen is dropping soft-shelled eggs, she is a fine layer, but she has a calcium uptake problem. I would try supplementing her with calcium by dissolving a calcium vitamin tablet in a very diulte solution of vinegar and water, then adding this to their waterer. How many calcium tablets depends on how many hens you have, since I dont think the calcium can hurt the other hens. I would try one calcium tab (300 mg) per hen. Do that for a week and see if the situation improves. If not, maybe there are better ways to get bio-available calcium into this hen. Just because they're eating layer feed doesnt mean that they can absorb all the nutrients in the feed. I think your hen has a different metabolism and just needs some different management in order to lay for you.
Hey foxcrossing that's some great advice thanks! When you say vinegar am I right in assuming you mean ACV? I already give them that but also have many other kinds laying around the house.

Thanks again I'll give this a try in the morning.
Organic layer pellets with oyster shell mixed in and on the side.

Also they free range all day in my urban back yard there is no shortage of vegetable and kitchen scraps!
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I was just wondering if you were feeding a non-layer feed, in case for some reason she just wasn't eating the oyster shells. Sometimes there's just one in the crowd that has to be different.
It sounds like she has a fine diet, though.

If she's only been laying for 2 weeks, you could give her another couple of weeks. Other than that, it sounds like culling her would be the way to go. At least you have the offer of a home for her, if you want to accept it.

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