I need to vent. So Sad, Lost my chickens. UPDATE The last one is gone.


Can't stick with a Title
10 Years
Jul 5, 2009
A week ago, I had 8 chickens, 6 of them being my barred rocks, my first chickens. Over the last week , we had many losses, and as of yesterday we had three. As of this morning, I have One chicken, Penny, my barred rock (a.k.a. Senora Rooster). She is injured and is healing right now. We will be giving her away when better. My parents told me that it was "a Good Experience". My dad said I might be able to get 3-4 hens next year. At least I can still talk to you guys.

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Did you figure out what killed your chickens, and how to stop it from happening again next year?

There's lots of posts on here to help you build a strong coop and a good fence. By next year you will have time to gather all the materials you need.
Animals are so loving and so dependent on us. Good luck.
Thank you guys. It was my dog, Buddy. We had them in one coop, and when he got into that we changed to this....

He dug in. I really appreciate that you guys care. The Good news is: I asked my dad, and he said I could get more birds next year. Maybe I can convince him to get them in the summer. I think I will get an Easter Egger, Buff Orpington, Barred rock, and a Black Australorp. I will name three of them Olive, Peanut, And Cocoa, the ones I lost.
I'm so sorry about your chickens! Dogs don't belong anywhere near chickens, I'm sorry to say......hope you can get more sometime, and be sure to build a sturdy run for them. Hardware cloth is much harder to work with, but animals can't chew or dig through it.

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