I need turkey info and advice compared to chickens.

Turkeys add much more than charm. They add life, love and laughter.

Today it was a whole 2 degrees here and sitting in the turkey coop getting loved and loving my turkeys made it bareable. I'm still not sure who was warming who though. I had three midgets in my lap, one under each arm, Eva, my BBW, sitting next to my legs, and Frankie, our blue eyed boy trying to climb all over us. He's frisky and we were just trying to cuddle. My son sat with the two other girls and tom. You just can't feel unloved with these guys. I prescribe them for anyone feeling down or cold, and I'm not even a Dr.

Thankfully my turkeys haven't gotten in my car or we would be carting them wherever we went. They would have a blast at the feed mill! Can you imagine. They would be opening bags all over the place.

fowlsessed. is that a Dark Cornish in your avatar? I love my DCs.
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LOL, great! No, my avatar is actually an Asil/Aseel, I actually believe they were used in the making of the Cornish, though. Oriental games, I think they are more intelligent, interesting and personable then your typical egg or meat producing "machine".
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LOL, great! No, my avatar is actually an Asil/Aseel, I actually believe they were used in the making of the Cornish, though. Oriental games, I think they are more intelligent and personable then your typical egg or meat producing "machine".
Have some Aseels too, but mine are still young and not quite that size yet. I think we ended up with 3 hens and a whole bunch of boys. They are almost as sweet as a turkey! Almost. Which is amazing for a chicken.
Oh wow, where did you get yours from? They are a late maturing breed, it's two years before they are really fully mature, filled, muscled, true feather and at their prime. They can breed about the same age of a regular breed, though. Just a little later. Mine are still young too, 7-8 mo. lol and just started breeding.
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Actually one of my customers brought them out and gave them to me. He said they were dieing on him as he didn't have time to care for them. There were 4 newly hatched, 3 about three weeks and 3 about 6 weeks and one older. That was in Oct. I think. They are sweet and funny, but the older little roo is probably my favorite. I call him Bull, as he's like a bull in a china shop and clumsy as all get outs most of them time. He is absolutely as gentle as can be and tall as a weed. So far non agressive but you know that can change over night. They like to climb inside my coat and cuddle, but with them I know who's warming who. Still not so sure about my silly turkeys. But who's complaining it was soft, warm, and cuddly with sweet little musical noises to soothe. Gotta say I would choose turkeys over a chemical warmer on any ol cold day. They make me happy.
Actually one of my customers brought them out and gave them to me.  He said they were dieing on him as he didn't have time to care for them.  There were 4 newly hatched, 3 about three weeks and 3 about 6 weeks and one older.  That was in Oct. I think.  They are sweet and funny, but the older little roo is probably my favorite.  I call him Bull, as he's like a bull in a china shop and clumsy as all get outs most of them time.  He is absolutely as gentle as can be and tall as a weed.  So far non agressive but you know that can change over night.  They like to climb inside my coat and cuddle, but with them I know who's warming who.  Still not so sure about my silly turkeys.  But who's complaining it was soft, warm, and cuddly with sweet little musical noises to soothe.  Gotta say I would choose turkeys over a chemical warmer on any ol cold day.  They make me happy.

Actually one of my customers brought them out and gave them to me. He said they were dieing on him as he didn't have time to care for them. There were 4 newly hatched, 3 about three weeks and 3 about 6 weeks and one older. That was in Oct. I think. They are sweet and funny, but the older little roo is probably my favorite. I call him Bull, as he's like a bull in a china shop and clumsy as all get outs most of them time. He is absolutely as gentle as can be and tall as a weed. So far non agressive but you know that can change over night. They like to climb inside my coat and cuddle, but with them I know who's warming who. Still not so sure about my silly turkeys. But who's complaining it was soft, warm, and cuddly with sweet little musical noises to soothe. Gotta say I would choose turkeys over a chemical warmer on any ol cold day. They make me hapI want a turkey heater
I want a turkey heater, too!!!!
Cool, about the asil. Watch em' close. Depending where they're from, they are likely to turn overnight!!
I have had chickens for a few years now and have decided to get turkeys also. I plan on 6 Narragansette (3 to butcher, 3 to keep as breeders) and I will also have a few new chicks they will have to shack up with (Ill get the chicks in late Feb and turkeys in Mid April) as my laying flock is aging. I love to look at the turkeys and I love what you all have to say about them. Surprisingly though not one person here has said they are agressive or mean! All the locals here who have had them say they will attack you and all this other stuff...dont let them out in the yard they will get your kids etc. What gives with these very different reports? Also will I have to clip wings if they are let out to range or????? How do you get them back in at night if they decide to roost in a tree?

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