
Mar 12, 2021
last night my broody hen hatched two beautiful silkie chicks with no issue at all, so I left the mother to care for them naturally (she has hatched chicks before), but I got back from work and found one chick dead and the other almost! So my best guess is that the two boys that lived in the same enclosure pecked it to death… anyway one of them survived and the mother hen was sat ontop of it trying to protect it, I had to take the chick away because all of its organs are hanging out! I bought the chick inside and put it on top of a towel under a heat Matt because it keeps trying to walk away.. it’s acting normal and keeps trying to get out but there’s a huge hole in its tummy and it’s organs are quite literally hanging out! I really don’t know what to do, should I attempt to put the organs back inside and put a bandage over it?? Or even butterfly stitches?? I’m really scared and upset about this and I just want to give it a good life but I don’t know how to help it. Could someone please help me out!? The chick is so small and fragile I just don’t know how to help it. If anyone knows what to do please let me know, or even any websites or links that can help me, that would be great!
For my part, I'm fond of a quote I read 40 years ago...

When the need arises, and it does, you must be able to shoot your own dog. Don't farm it out - that doesn't make it nicer, it makes it worse. ~Robert A. Heinlein

Same is true for your chickens.

While I've seen our little feathered dinosaurs survive some horrific injuries, as described, I believe the time has come to end its suffering.
It's heartbreaking, I've been in the same situation. It was a little pheasant and I'm still not sure how it happened, but we had to end his suffering.

I'm sorry you both have to go through this.

My dad was the one to do the deed, he wrang it's neck, which is one option. But there are other methods for chicks as well. I'm not well versed on this but I know someone will comment with other methods.
It's heartbreaking, I've been in the same situation. It was a little pheasant and I'm still not sure how it happened, but we had to end his suffering.

I'm sorry you both have to go through this.

My dad was the one to do the deed, he wrang it's neck, which is one option. But there are other methods for chicks as well. I'm not well versed on this but I know someone will comment with other methods.
I’m sorry that you had to go through this as well.. it really is horrible and absolutely heart breaking. Thank you for your advice.

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