I need your opinion on raising ducks and chicks together

New Momma

In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 23, 2014
Hi i'm new here To BYC and the world of chickens! My grandfather taught me all i needed to know about chicks and now we have some! But my main concern is What is your opinion about Brooding chicks and ducks in the same brooder provided there is enough space for all of them and they are all content? As well as Raising Grown ducks and Chickens in the same pen provided the ducks pond is enough water for them to walk and swim in but has a way out of it like a ramp? The chickens and ducks would have a separate coop (We have a lot of land) But in the same general yard. Thank you for your opinions!
There is a nice article in the Learning Center on brooding them together. https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/to-brood-or-not-to-brood-baby-ducks-and-chicks-together The couple of times I have had both at the same time I found it a lot easier if I had separate brooders, the ducklings are just so darn messy and hard to keep water clean and they tend to be bigger and stronger than chicks pretty fast. A lot of people keep them together as adults, as long as they have enough room, water for the ducks to keep them pretty much out of the drinking water, and you have enough female ducks so the drakes don't bother the chickens, seems they usually do OK.
Thank you This helps allot! I just wanted to make sure nothing would go wrong and the yard and coops are big enough

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