I need your 'secrets' :) for 4-H meaties

Here they put all 4H groups' animals together in a row. So, everyone in our 4H group will have our chickens together. We have to go up there the night before turn in and take our shavings and feed/water containers (we were told to use 1 pound coffee cans) and get the cages ready. They are supposed to have the cages there and installed at height and labelled with names already. I'm thinking they'll probably have then in groups and we'll put our own names on them, but we'll see. We get the cages ready that night and the next morning we bring our chickens. We are supposed to go to the main barn entrance (big huge garage door type thing) and there will be stations there for us to register/sign in. We sign in, they'll compare our wing clips to make sure we are showing a bird that we ordered and picked up from the Ag. Extension office (required here) and then we go put them in our cages. Then we wait for show time.

At least, that's what they tell me. This is our first time, too, so we'll see how it really goes.
LOL winginit

We show up and sign in at 7am- then start to show at 8am - I dont bring the birds till then, and we did have to collectivly order too, so we have wing bands.

I guess I'll know more when I get there. not the way I like to do things. I am more of a 'work really hard to NOT look like a fool' type person... LOL
We used our cat crate to move the chickens. I put all 4 in together. Here the judge takes the birds from the cage, the kid doesn't touch them during judging. When I was in 4-H I had to present the bird to the judge by holding it upside down breast side toward the judge.

Bass equipment has the rabbit carriers you were talking about.

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