I never imagined I would be a Chicken Tender!

The "bad" leg seems to be arthritic and limp. It also looks like one of her toes is bent funny. She doesn't seem to experience any pain when I press and feel around on her. Her left side seems to be higher than the right, but I am really grabbing at straws.
Sorry about the problems you are having with the chicks. Do you know if they were vaccinated for Mareks? You might want to post a new thread in the Emergencies forum about them, you might get more responses than as a continuation of an old thread.
Did you see the pics? I don't think he is faking it...is that likely?

No only joking, you seem like you really spoil them though, bad as me they are such a worry,
I know watching and waiting is good advice but if I were you I'd start doing things now
Giving a tonic of vitamins etc can't harm
Maybe some egg?
Thank you Kelsie! I will do that now!

Pinkaboo - what kind of tonic and vitamins?

And can anyone tell me if that is a boy or girl?
Tsc carries pro biotic for chicks ad well as vitamins for all birds you mix in water. also many feed elevators will carry them.
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Not so great today ;(
The baby seems to have lost even more control of his left side. It is starting to seem more like paralysis than a physical injury. I don't even want to look at the characteristics of Marek's because what little I do know about the death sentence is all lining up with these symptoms(signs).
He showed some signs of labored breathing today, but it was super hot. I gave him a 12 minute soak in warm water and Epsom salt and checked him thoroughly for mites, lice, tics, physical injury, bumble foot, swelling, cuts, etc.
I crushed a baby aspirin into some yogurt and he didn't seem to want that, so a few hours later, I gave him aspirin dissolved in water via syringe.
The aspirin and Epsom soak seemed to make him feel better, but from what I "understand" (kinda), chickens don't show signs of pain in manners in which we are accustomed to identifying.
Not knowing if he is suffering is killing me. I will keep him on aspirin and continue to monitor his food/water intake and poop which are all strangely very healthy. The antibiotic I ordered should be in early AM. I am in an area where people view birds as food and incubators of food, so this is hard for me.

Although I have him separately caged, he is still in close (very close) proximity to the others, I am wondering if I should bring him inside for the night?
Thank you all again for your support!

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