I only like mini-eggs that are full of chocolate! What the heck?!?


7 Years
Sep 26, 2012
Alden, MI (Near Traverse City)
So, we put a light in the coop a couple of weeks ago and just this week, we started getting eggs again (finally!). We are only getting about 3 a day, but I'm hoping they increase production a bit more.

Well, my husband went to do an egg check with my boys yesterday afternoon and found.................THIS!!! WTH???

Mind you, I have 12 Barred Rock hens that are coming up on 2yrs old. What the heck am I supposed to do with this? Bahhh...hahahahaha! But seriously...why the heck would this happen? I couldn't tell you which one it came from...is this cause for concern or does it just happen occasionally?

Oh, and that's a regular-sized sharpie pen and a regular egg that I have been getting.

They're referred to lovingly as fart eggs. Just a glich, whoever layed it forgot to put the yolk in usually. It happens, no cause for concern.

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