i put the ducks in with my Rocks for the first night! eeeek


6 Years
Mar 6, 2013
im kinda nervous!!!!!! they dont care about each other - like AT ALL . my 15 Barred Rocks are 8 weeks and my 3 Pekins are 4 weeks old ..... lately i have been letting my Rocks out of the Big coop for a few hrs a day - while i sit there with them protecting - they are fully free range - tonight it was almost 80 degrees and my ducks were panting in the barn so i took them outta their brooder - set up a lil pool outside and let them all free range together for like 3.5 hrs while i was supervising. they all did awesomely . had a blast . so instead of taking them back to the barn ... i put them( the ducks) in the chicken coop w the chickens - who were already roosting . they are going to be housed there TOGETHER anyway sometime soon . i was waiting till they were fully feathered but its so hot in the barn .....
theres a 3 gallon chicken waterer in the coop and i took away the feed ... they should be ok right ? in the morning i plan on opening up the coop taking out the ducks and taking them back down to their brooder till im done w my morning appts. then ill be home the rest of the day so prolly bring them back up .....
the low is 50's ... and my pekins are 2x the size of my Barred Rock pullets lol
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well bright and early this morning i went out to see how the sleep over went and found .. my 3 duck girls very happy to see me all in one corner haha and my 15 chick running about as usual . i opened the door up to let them all out - but the ducks didnt know what to do with themselves lol they wanted to come to me - but those darn chicks were in their way! lol they acted so timid of the chicks and they are 2x the chicks size now hahahah i eventually got them outside where i had a mini pool set up waiting ... OMG they were so happy and dove straight in it . so i sat there for 2 hrs this morning feeding both ducks and chicks treats ... the chicks are scavengers of the ducks treats and pick up any thing they drop.lol but im happy that no fighting or pecking is happening .

i did put the chicks back in the coop for the day and take the ducks back to the barn to their brooder while i ran some errands beacuse the ducks bills are too big for the hanging 3 gallon waterer i noticed and the 11 lb feeder i have in the coop .... i dont know what im going to do for BOTH fowl to drink and eat out of ..... any thoughts?

they all did fine w no food all night - i know the ducks didnt have water --- they tried and tried but cant get their bills in that red lipped hanging waterer.
well bright and early this morning i went out to see how the sleep over went and found .. my 3 duck girls very happy to see me all in one corner haha and my 15 chick running about as usual . i opened the door up to let them all out - but the ducks didnt know what to do with themselves lol they wanted to come to me - but those darn chicks were in their way! lol they acted so timid of the chicks and they are 2x the chicks size now hahahah i eventually got them outside where i had a mini pool set up waiting ... OMG they were so happy and dove straight in it . so i sat there for 2 hrs this morning feeding both ducks and chicks treats ... the chicks are scavengers of the ducks treats and pick up any thing they drop.lol but im happy that no fighting or pecking is happening .

i did put the chicks back in the coop for the day and take the ducks back to the barn to their brooder while i ran some errands beacuse the ducks bills are too big for the hanging 3 gallon waterer i noticed and the 11 lb feeder i have in the coop .... i dont know what im going to do for BOTH fowl to drink and eat out of ..... any thoughts?

they all did fine w no food all night - i know the ducks didnt have water --- they tried and tried but cant get their bills in that red lipped hanging waterer.
I am thinking since your chicks are 8 weeks old you could use a gallon water bucket now for your ducks. outside the coop though not inside way to messy. I put a 6x6 piece of wood up against the bucket to keep it from being tipped over and also gives the ducks something to stand on while drinking, and also will give your chicks something to stand on if they wanted to drink out of the bucket. you could also cut a hole in the lid to the bucket so only the ducks would have access to the bucket and not your chicks. Usually by 8 weeks my chicks are drinking out of the bucket I have out for my ducks and geese. right now they are all drinking out of 4 gallon chicken waterers [because they will just be 4 weeks tomorrow,]. all but the geese they have a 3 gal bucket for their needs. but only 1 and it's in an area where the chicks don't go.
I am thinking since your chicks are 8 weeks old you could use a gallon water bucket now for your ducks. outside the coop though not inside way to messy. I put a 6x6 piece of wood up against the bucket to keep it from being tipped over and also gives the ducks something to stand on while drinking, and also will give your chicks something to stand on if they wanted to drink out of the bucket. you could also cut a hole in the lid to the bucket so only the ducks would have access to the bucket and not your chicks. Usually by 8 weeks my chicks are drinking out of the bucket I have out for my ducks and geese. right now they are all drinking out of 4 gallon chicken waterers [because they will just be 4 weeks tomorrow,]. all but the geese they have a 3 gal bucket for their needs. but only 1 and it's in an area where the chicks don't go.

Thanks ! Ya i didn't know what else to do .. Besides them having thier pool or an open bucket .. But that would be a disaster if my chickens fell in it and couldn't get out ;(
They will be 9 weeks Monday and the ducks will be 5 . Ill have to look up some pics of that kind . Thanks!

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