I Really Want A Chickie!!!! *cries*

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Magic Birdie

8 Years
May 3, 2011
Magic Birdie land
So today I was talking to people at school, and everyone thought I should be "serious" for once (
), because I'm always talking hyperly about birds. So I know someone who is sort of grumpy sometimes by nature, and I sort of wanted to try being grumpy, too. Apparantly, that person is also good at making me grumpy. Topic: chickies.

THINK ABOUT IT!! I beg for 3 MONTHS for them, I wait 113 HORRIBLE DAYS, thinking about fluffy cuteness every second. And when I'm finally supposed to get them, they're GONE just because my mom said so. I never even got to see them.


Thanks a bunch, people who bring up that topic, thanks a bunch.
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No one cares!

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Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry, birdies!
I can't imagine...
Don't worry; your little lovelies will arrive soon, and you'll probably deserve them more than most!
I am sorry you are going through this. I begged my mom for a dog for 2 straight years. She eventually caved when I was 14 and let me get a puppy. I quit the school track team to come home and train her and take care of her every day, she was housebroken, and was such a nice dog. Just before I started high school the next fall, about 6 months later, she dropped the dog off at the pound. My heart was broken (and I have never forgiven her)

The lesson I learned? I can have whatever pets I want, once I move out and buy my own place. But until then, it was my mother's house and it was her rules. It felt awful at the time...

But now I am 37, and I have outlived 3 dogs that I had since they were pups, still have 4 others right now, 2 cats, 40 sheep, 16 ducks, 50 turkeys and close to 300 chickens. My mom can't stop me now!

I know it's hard, but if your mom doesn't want to have pets like that in the house, don't worry, your turn will come when you can have whatever you want!!
Thanks for telling me that! I'm relieved!
But it's not that my mom doesn't want pets, she says that we might "move to Philidelphia", which I highly doubt, or she thinks it will make me get worse grades in school. She thinks I'm making excuses when I give her the real reason I might not do so great at school, but what if they're TRUE?
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