I Really Want A Chickie!!!! *cries*

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My eldest daughter does better with her schoolwork when she has chickies because they help her calm down and focus. They've been very therapeutic for her, so to me they're priceless. Good luck, and may you soon have your own.

Thanks for telling me that! I'm relieved!
But it's not that my mom doesn't want pets, she says that we might "move to Philidelphia", which I highly doubt, or she thinks it will make me get worse grades in school. She thinks I'm making excuses when I give her the real reason I might not do so great at school, but what if they're TRUE?
Birdies, it is obvious that you are quite young (no, do NOT mention your age; that will get the thread locked and removed). There have been mentions about concerns over grades which you did not answer, personal responsibilities (such as doing chores) that you have not responded to, and comments about it being your parents right to make rules for their home, which include how they are raising you.

By and large the vast majority of parents love their children and treat them with respect. It seems to me that you are not respecting your parents, but are acting like a pouty three year old: "give me what I want because I want it." Your mother has expressed that you might move; getting animals that you may not be able to take with you when a move is possible or likely is not a mature decision.

You need to deal respectfully and maturely with your parents. Ask them politely what it will take to get their permission to have chickens, then work hard to meet those conditions. If they say no, listen to their reasons, and realize that they may need to make that decision.

I said that they didn't say no a million times!

No one wants me to get a chickie!

Sorry, I know I'm overreacting, but you have no idea what it's like!
No offense or anything

Not trying to be rude or anything, but your posts also sound like you don't really know much about chickens. Something along the lines of a little kid wanting a pet bunny just because they are cute.

Crying and begging to us is only showing that you are too young to take on the responsibilities of raising chickens.
Not to mean or anything, but whining on here is not going to get you any closer to having chickens ....... If you truly want them, you need to approach this with some maturity to your parents. Just because you say they did not say no, does not mean they ok'd it either. I suspect you have not shown maturity, and responsibilty ,factor in school ( I also suspect you are not getting the best grades) then I can clearly see why you do not have chickens.

So, grow up a bit, show them you are responsible enough to handle taking care of chickens and school and any chores you may have.
My mother had a saying about whining " whine in one hand and spit in the other, see which one gets filled up the fastest" .
I said that they didn't say no a million times!

No one wants me to get a chickie!

Sorry, I know I'm overreacting, but you have no idea what it's like!
No offense or anything

Not trying to be rude or anything, but your posts also sound like you don't really know much about chickens. Something along the lines of a little kid wanting a pet bunny just because they are cute.

Crying and begging to us is only showing that you are too young to take on the responsibilities of raising chickens.

Yes I do!!! I went on almost all the chicken websites, read all the chicken books in the library and book store, and reserched breeds at hatcheries for almost two years now! I don't just want a chicken because they're cute!
Okay, so you've done your research, good job! I'm impressed and that is a very good start.

Do you have the supplies you need to set up a brooder? Do you have feeders, waterers? Do you know what you want to use for bedding? Do you have money set aside for their feed? Do you have the means to earn money for more feed when you need it? Do you know what pasty butt is? Do you have a place picked out to brood them in for the next 8-12 weeks? Do you know that you will be expected to clean up all of the dust in this area until they are able to go to their coop? Have you started constructing their coop? How are you going to enclose their coop to keep them safe? Do you have room for a good sized run? Have you already obtained some of the items that you need to have on hand for first aid?

If you answered no to most of those questions, then you aren't quite ready to get your chicks. You still have some work to do.

Would you mind telling me why you want chickens? I'm a Mom. I respect my children's dreams and wishes, but until I know that they are seriously passionate about their dream, and not just the idea of their dream, I do not allow them to take it on.
bedding-I have aspen.
Money-more or less, provided my my mom until they begin to lay
pasty butt- ewww, but yes
cleaning-I'm used to cleaning, especially after my budgies poop in their water

Room for coop- my backyard is too empty

First aid-not really...

Oh, and I want chickens becuase
1. eggs
2. pets
3. cuteness
4. fluffyness
5. my mom wants eggs, and for different reasons
6. cause they're awesome!!!!
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Birdies, it is obvious that you are quite young (no, do NOT mention your age; that will get the thread locked and removed). There have been mentions about concerns over grades which you did not answer, personal responsibilities (such as doing chores) that you have not responded to, and comments about it being your parents right to make rules for their home, which include how they are raising you.

By and large the vast majority of parents love their children and treat them with respect. It seems to me that you are not respecting your parents, but are acting like a pouty three year old: "give me what I want because I want it." Your mother has expressed that you might move; getting animals that you may not be able to take with you when a move is possible or likely is not a mature decision.

You need to deal respectfully and maturely with your parents. Ask them politely what it will take to get their permission to have chickens, then work hard to meet those conditions. If they say no, listen to their reasons, and realize that they may need to make that decision.

I said that they didn't say no a million times!

No one wants me to get a chickie!

Sorry, I know I'm overreacting, but you have no idea what it's like!
No offense or anything

I want you to have a chicken!
bedding-I have aspen.
Money-more or less, provided my my mom until they begin to lay
pasty butt- ewww, but yes
cleaning-I'm used to cleaning, especially after my budgies poop in their water

Room for coop- my backyard is too empty

First aid-not really...

Oh, and I want chickens becuase
1. eggs
2. pets
3. cuteness
4. fluffyness
5. my mom wants eggs, and for different reasons
6. cause they're awesome!!!!

Just use a human first aid kit for a while. And it's crazy how people say chickens are only fuzzy when young, their not, their ALWAYS fuzzy. And their sweeter when their older.
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