I really wish that people.....small rant!


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I really wish that people would stay the heck away from our home when they are sick; even if they are family!

The last thing DH and I needed right now was another URI virus! I've been on antibiotics since the first of the year for one URI and kidney infection after another and my immune system is not happy right now.

DH has a comprimised immune system anyhow, so he's struggling.

If DSD #2 comes up here sick one more time or even (as DH suspects this time) DSD #1 brings the GS up here when he's sick, I swear I'm going to hand them a mask the minute they step foot of the property!

Rant over
AMEN, sister! I have a compromised immune system too. So does my dad. We are militant about germs, especially with Dad. He is going through chemo right now and has zilcho immune system. For the longest time, my sister didn't take her kids to church or play places because the girls would get sick everytime and then not be allowed around Dad. Around the holidays we get especially careful, because one bout of the sniffles or cold and we can't have our family get-togethers. After all the care we would take, a cousin with a zillion children would then bring her brood to the get togethers coughing and hacking and all snotty nosed. GRRRRRRR!!!!

I am currently getting over a three week battle with an ugly respiratory crud because one of my idiot students came into my office to tell me he was sick. It wasn't a class day, he wasn't there to work, he was just there to whine. SIGH. If only I could fail them for stupidity.
Post a sign at your drive or door that says

"If you are ill in anyway,
or have been exposed to
someone with an illness
in the last 2 weeks please
come back and visit
another time."

you can always send people away.. it's your home!

I had a URI a couple years ago, it was SO bad that it took me 6 months to get over it...I had to "try" to sleep sitting in a lazy boy for several months. I still had to work in a public job.. which didn't help. Every year I was getting these infections.. until 2 yrs ago. I got a different job and now all I've gotten is a head cold (which I am just getting over this week) that no longer travels to my lungs and turns into a URI.

I can sympathize with you on this. Hope you all get better soon!
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I too also hate it and you need some anti-virus enviroment

AMEN, sister! I have a compromised immune system too. So does my dad. We are militant about germs, especially with Dad. He is going through chemo right now and has zilcho immune system. For the longest time, my sister didn't take her kids to church or play places because the girls would get sick everytime and then not be allowed around Dad. Around the holidays we get especially careful, because one bout of the sniffles or cold and we can't have our family get-togethers. After all the care we would take, a cousin with a zillion children would then bring her brood to the get togethers coughing and hacking and all snotty nosed. GRRRRRRR!!!!

I am currently getting over a three week battle with an ugly respiratory crud because one of my idiot students came into my office to tell me he was sick. It wasn't a class day, he wasn't there to work, he was just there to whine. SIGH. If only I could fail them for stupidity.

I have told people before, family, when they walk in and sound congested to pack it up and leave. If they find me rude, I am more than happy to tell them that exposing us to THEIR illness is worse!
I tell parents to keep their sick kids at home for the same reason. I have other students who are at risk and don't need to babysit their sick kids because they don't want the "baby" at home to get sick. I tell friends and family to stay away if they are sick since I am allergic to most medications I suffer really badly when I get sick.

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