I really wish that people.....small rant!

Oh boy do I hear you...I can not afford to be sick or get an infection...I have two knee replacements and any infection is dangerous...I don't go many places, I take airborne by the bucket if I do go someplace...I wash hands, have hand sanitizer in my vehicle...shopping cart handles are a great place to pick up a bug...money is very germ laden...

My sister almost died last year...she had pneumonia, an infection in her GI track, her liver and kidneys were failing, her recent knee replacement was inflamed...she had multiple issues and was in ICU for three weeks on a ventilator...she also has myeloma...

The famaily was very conscientious on visits...had to hand sanitize, wear a mask and all of that...visits were five minutes, one at a time...no kids...no sick people...she was really circling the drain for days...and yet one of our friends, her friend since high school, sneaked in there one night after hours with a cold and no protective gear to see her...we could have killed her because she could have killed my sister...what a freaking dunce!

So yes, sick people sharing the wealth get on every raw nerve I have...stand your ground and tell them to come another day...some people simply do not think...
You have a right to rant. I, too, have a comprimised immune system. I usually keep a box of masks around for people who visit and are sick. However, we don't have a lot of company..just a few relatives...and they know they shouldn't come over when very sick. Which is very hard as their young son goes to public school and gets sick...brings it home and gives it to everyone else.

I hope you and you family get well.
Yeah, thanks guys.

DH and I were both supposed to start physical therapy this afternoon; him for his shoulder and me for my lower back injury. Though the appointment is only three hours away, I called and let them know we were sick and I didn't feel like we should keep the appointments. They agreed.
DH is scheduled to meet the surgeon at the end of this month, so we're trying to get him well enough to actually have the surgery. I just want enough time off of antibiotics to give my immune system time to recover.
DSD #2 is the worst! She comes up sick all the time, expecting to be mothered because she feels so bad. Hello, I might actually feel up to taking care of someone if I wasn't sick from the last virus she brought!
Maybe when I whip out a mask and hand it to her at her next visit, she'll get the message!
Sorry to those of you that are also sick right now.
i havent read this thread yet but i just wanted to put in my 2 cents, i was raised that its proper to let somebody know you are ill BEFORE you come over for a visit, if they know you are sick and still want you over that is fine, its on them if they get sick at that point, but its rude and imposing to come over sick (or drag along your sick kids!) without letting somebody know before hand you are ill
Please don't get me started. I get a cold at the drop of a hat. (if someone goes and drops a hat now I'll be very upset). I don't miss work for that very reason, (I retired) If you is sick stay the heck home. One year I missed a month due to Brochitis and Pnuemonia. If I have a ENT, appointment I get sick cuz that's where all the sick people are. I want to wear garlic around my neck! Hey! I didn't start this post.
I completely understand your rant. My sister in law invited my family over for dinner one night. So myself, my DH and my 2 kids went over and had pizza and hung out for several hours. Then as the evening was winding down my SIL tells me "oh we were all so sick this week"
They had a stomach virus and her husband still wasn't feeling good. Guess what, yep my daughter and I both got it later that week and were sick for 2 days, couldn't eat, couldn't drink, it was horrible. I missed 2 days of work and my daughter missed 2 days of school! The next time she asked us over I asked if they had been sick recently.
Hey Kat, next time they come to your house sick, fog 'em with Lysol at the front door-they'll get the hint(except for the little ones, they can't help it).

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