I have eggs under a first time broody
I'm hoping she is a good one. I wanted to get some eggs from a BYC peep but was afraid to with it being her first time.
So I set her up with my eggs she has 8 welsummers and 4 barred rocks. I have eggs going in my incubator they are at day 9. So if she gives up after 14 days I'll be good with the incubator.
I'm so wanting a sportsman, I need a sportsman.
I need to work on my husband. LOL
I have 2 seasoned hens that are great moms, I have 2 more hens that go broody that I haven't set with eggs. So one broody now then comes 4 more?? That would be my luck. I'll need to get more chick brooder tractors built .
Day 1 for the broody. I'll get a picture of her in a little while.
Day 9 for the incubator.

I'm hoping she is a good one. I wanted to get some eggs from a BYC peep but was afraid to with it being her first time.
So I set her up with my eggs she has 8 welsummers and 4 barred rocks. I have eggs going in my incubator they are at day 9. So if she gives up after 14 days I'll be good with the incubator.
I'm so wanting a sportsman, I need a sportsman.
I need to work on my husband. LOL
I have 2 seasoned hens that are great moms, I have 2 more hens that go broody that I haven't set with eggs. So one broody now then comes 4 more?? That would be my luck. I'll need to get more chick brooder tractors built .
Day 1 for the broody. I'll get a picture of her in a little while.
Day 9 for the incubator.