I set a broody last night.


12 Years
Oct 25, 2007
I have eggs under a first time broody

I'm hoping she is a good one. I wanted to get some eggs from a BYC peep but was afraid to with it being her first time.
So I set her up with my eggs she has 8 welsummers and 4 barred rocks. I have eggs going in my incubator they are at day 9. So if she gives up after 14 days I'll be good with the incubator.
I'm so wanting a sportsman, I need a sportsman.
I need to work on my husband. LOL
I have 2 seasoned hens that are great moms, I have 2 more hens that go broody that I haven't set with eggs. So one broody now then comes 4 more?? That would be my luck. I'll need to get more chick brooder tractors built .
Day 1 for the broody. I'll get a picture of her in a little while.
Day 9 for the incubator.
You definately need a sportsman. If you convince your dh let me know how so I can try it on mine.

Good luck with the broody. She'll probably do great.
shortcake wonder if we were to whisper in the night while they are sleeping " you want your wife to have a sportsman you need to get your wife a sportsman" wonder if this would work? LOL
I've got a birthday coming in June If I don't get one before then. That's what I'm saying I want.
okiemommy dont you just love the broodys
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my only mature cochin (my avatar) seriously has problems, shes my favorite chicken but she thinks she is too good for all the other chickens, and cares more about sitting in the middle of the feeder and gobbling up food than sitting on eggs
i currently have 4 broody chickens and a broody turkey all on a total of 61 eggs, 42 chicken eggs, 19 turkey eggs, the boody turkey is on 14, and one of the broodies has 5 turkey and 5 chicken, and two other hens on ten each, and a oeg standard on 17! and i just had a hen hatch out 6! so were pretty busy over here too

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