I stepped on my Quail! Help me!

Poor thing. Definitely at least give it some vitamins and make sure it's eating and drinking. I fed sunflower seeds to a silkie with a neck injury and that seemed to help, maybe you could crush some into a powder for it?

I stepped (lightly) on a chick a couple years ago. It healed but now two years later that hen is still the most afraid of me :(.
Poor thing. Definitely at least give it some vitamins and make sure it's eating and drinking. I fed sunflower seeds to a silkie with a neck injury and that seemed to help, maybe you could crush some into a powder for it?

I stepped (lightly) on a chick a couple years ago. It healed but now two years later that hen is still the most afraid of me :(.
I definitely will do that. Thanks for your advice.
Fortunately, my boy is good now, he starts jumping up and down when he sees me coming even though his neck is still crooked

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