I survived my first hatch, so did all the chicks, now I'm stressing out that they're going to die


Jun 4, 2017
The hatch went well enough (other than the last egg that pipped at the wrong and we had to assist). Now I've got seven 2 day old chicks bopping around. I'm pretty sure I've witnessed everyone eat, drink, and poop. They peep and nap and scratch. The assisted-hatch chick had seemed to have weak legs, but that's getting better as far as I can tell. I feel like I beat the odds with a 100% hatch rate and now surely they're going to start dropping dead. Does this worry ever pass?!
Try not to worry, as that doesn't help anything.

But with chickens, you are pretty much fussing about one thing or another...that's why it is called chicken KEEPING.

So you'll need to keep an eye on them for health and growth as they feather in within the brooder. Then they outgrow the brooder, so housing is the next question.

So you've got your new coop/run prepared, and you'll need to prepare them for transition to it outdoors, which is another stressor as they are often insecure, which can trigger illness. So you watch for that.

Then there's the wait for that first egg and making sure you've got their feed appropriate. You also make sure they know where the nests are and have salted the boxes with fake eggs to encourage them to lay in the boxes (and not any where/every where else).

Hopefully there is a tranquil period when all is well and eggs are coming in, then suddenly egg production drops...is it illness? molting? Assess and adjust.

And of course the constant threat of predators or pests...depending where you are....from hawks, raccoons, roaming dogs, and the ever present rats, mice, body lice/mites, internal worms.

Sounds like too much work, doesn't it? But actually it is a very rewarding hobby...however, like gardening, you are usually fiddling with one thing or another, but generally not all at once.

Through it all take time to watch and enjoy your silly feathered friends. They become quite endearing and entertaining to watch. (Then the brooding bug hits...and you decide to hatch eggs under a broody....and a whole NEW set of "worries" and fun sets in.)


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