I think I just saw a UFO o.O


10 Years
Jan 4, 2010
Bolivia N.C
I was sitting outside and saw a triangle of green and red lights that looked like some kind of plane. It was moving slowly and sounded like an airplane. Probably just a military plane thing.
I'm normally really freaked out by the paranormal ect. but I'm just like "hey look, that looks like a UFO"
I don't know, but it was cool
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You saw it. It was flying and clearly an object not an animal.

You could not identify it.

Yup, that makes it an unidentified flying object.

No one ever said they HAD to be aliens........
I have WHAT in my yard? :

You saw it. It was flying and clearly an object not an animal.

You could not identify it.

Yup, that makes it an unidentified flying object.

No one ever said they HAD to be aliens........

You are sarcastic arn't you?
you speak my lanuage
Yeah, I are.....

Just wanted to tell you you CAN call it a UFO cause that's what you saw.....

Once I saw a completely square object move across the sky really fast, stop and then go straight up out of view.
Who knows?
A triangle? :hmm Maybe the military peeps were testing out a not so stealth bomber with Christmas lighting on it. That or aliens.
I saw something like that floating in the skies above Adelaide. If you know Adelaide, you will know that it's the city where nothing EVER happens. Nobody's even heard of it

It wasn't on the regular approach path (call me a nerd) and was at a lower altitude than most planes are at when they turn final... just drifting around slowly, lights flashing. it was dark so I couldn't see what it was. Interesting.
ive seen way too many UFO's (alien or not) out here in hawaii - must be the fact that we're in the most isolated place on earth - to list them all - some at night - some during the day - if we think we are the ONLY intelligent (not really -
) life forms in the entire universe then we really are stupid
Aliens sure must be intelligent if they know how to raise publicity. Remember when these things were making headlines round the world?

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