I think I need help


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Jan 1, 2008
I have 6 eggs in the incubator that I made -theyve beenin for 1 1/2 days.everything seemed fine but last night when I turned the eggs I moved the water wiggler over to the other side of the incubator and the temmp went up to 103*. I have stayed up all night to try and regulate it but it just is really bad. The problem is that the temp is not even at all from one side of the incubator to the other side. I have a fan that I moved 3 times and I just cant figure out what will help. I dont know how to fix it. I dont think those eggs are going to hatch. I just wish I could get an even temp throughout. What did I do wrong? I am so tired I am ready to pass out.
Position the fan to blow across your water source for humidity. Temp and humidity are very closely related.

Set the temp and place your water wiggler where the eggs are in position.

Close the lid and do not open it for a couple of hours unless you have set the temp too high and it has spiked.

If the temps are not holding steady, take a blanket and wrap it around your incubator to act as insulation, you should see less temp fluctuations.

If you are still have trouble take a couple of glass jars and fill them with 100F degree water. Put on a tight lid and set them in your incubator. They will act as a heat sink and the temps won't so easily change.

The hardest part is to just leave it alone. When you get it set right step back and keep your hands in your pockets! LOL Seriously. It is too tempting to want to fiddle with everything.

Good luck.
Cheap and jury-rigged incubators aren't worth your time and trouble. Buy quality and only cry once. Cough up the money for a good one, get some sleep, and enjoy your next hatch.
Your advise is wise for those who have no clue what they are doing.

Some of us use this is an opportunity to teach our children how to think through and do things on their own instead of relying on someone else to do things for them. It is all part of trying to be more self sufficient and using that thing on our shoulders for more than a hat rack.

Not everyone is interested in shelling out money to a company for something that can easily be put together at home. My kids had more fun and learned more from building all of our incubators than they could have ever gotten from buying a styrofoam/plastic box and plugging it in.

How many 10 year old girls do think are able to look at a simple wiring diagram and put together a heat source (light bulb), a temp regulator (thermostat) and a power source (the electrical plug and outlet) and make it work without having an accident?

Mine can. I am very proud of her too.
Thank you Miss Prissy
thanks again Miss Prissy-now with what you said I can see my error-luckily I have 2 more ice chests and I am going to construct a new one with the fan blowing across the water-I have eggs comming this next week! And I will know a lot more about incubators than I ever thought I would need to know.
As long as I have your attention, would it be good to add a sponge to the water well or is it better to not?
You'll have to test and see, tiki. For me I live in a place where the humidity is always high so it would not work. You have to test your own environment and see if it works for you. It won't hurt to try it.

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