I think i need to give away my roo...

Here's how I look at it. I enjoy keeping chickens. Yes, I do use them to provide eggs and meat, but where I live I could buy farm fresh eggs (and probably be money ahead), and either raise or buy the Cornish x franken-chickens for meat. If I have a chicken that's taking away that enjoyment and causing me or the rest of the flock undue stress, I don't really feel too bad about removing it from my flock. I'm glad you're feeling better about it. I agree with Poodlechicks, though - you need to be honest about why you're giving him away. Another piece of unasked for advice - when you do give him away, don't ask too many questions. Once that bird leaves your place, it's no longer yours. Let it go and focus on the chickens you do have.
yes of course!
Like bobbi-j, I process my extra cockerels. I know I gave them a great life while they were here, and a very quick, humane death at the end. If I give them away, you really don't know how they will be treated, or in reality, how they will be processed. (Many people pick up free roosters for food.)

Totally agree it's not the way that works for everyone, and it took me a long time to get to where I am emotionally about the whole thing.

Good luck on finding him a good home - I can rarely ever give one away.
i am planning to sell him on craigslist saying i can't keep him because he is aggressive to my chickens, but he is a perfectly fine roo otherwise. is that wrong?
Nope, not wrong at all.

I hatch my own chickens, knowing full well I can only keep one or two of the boys. For me, part of the responsibility of bringing these cockerels into the world is making sure they are humanely treated. Processing them myself allows me to know how they are treated until their last breath. It's just something I feel better about, and am thankful that each one I eat is one less factory farmed chicken bought from the store.

Please don't think I'm against what you are doing. We are all in different situations and are comfortable with different solutions. None of them that I've read here are wrong.
Nope, not wrong at all.

I hatch my own chickens, knowing full well I can only keep one or two of the boys. For me, part of the responsibility of bringing these cockerels into the world is making sure they are humanely treated. Processing them myself allows me to know how they are treated until their last breath. It's just something I feel better about, and am thankful that each one I eat is one less factory farmed chicken bought from the store.

Please don't think I'm against what you are doing. We are all in different situations and are comfortable with different solutions. None of them that I've read here are wrong.
thank you FridayYet.
yes of course!
You'd be surprised - some people sell/give away roosters, demanding they not be used for food, check up on them, etc.

i am planning to sell him on craigslist saying i can't keep him because he is aggressive to my chickens, but he is a perfectly fine roo otherwise. is that wrong?
Perfectly honest. That's the best way to do it.
You'd be surprised - some people sell/give away roosters, demanding they not be used for food, check up on them, etc.

Perfectly honest. That's the best way to do it.
great! i got 3 responses only minutes after i posted the add. i am meeting the woman who first asked about him at a market. she has a whole flock of ladies ready for him and doesn't want to ever eat him/kill him.

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