I think my chickens ate one of their eggs!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 11, 2011
I went to collect my two eggs that I get daily and one egg was missing. I looked around and could see that there was yolk in the shaving's. I then noticed the egg shell had been carried to another nesting box. What can I do to prevent this from happening? I have never had this happen. Any suggestions on what to do? Thanks for your help.
First of all clean out the nest boxes and replace with new material amd make sure it is deep enough so when the hen nests the egg won't come in contact with the bottom of the box. Second, if possible check more frequently to prevent damaged eggs . Dont think she broke it purposely,she could have stepped on it or pecked it trying to roll it. They also might have thin shells,feed the oyster shells with their feed or separately in another dish. I've had this happen a couple of times with one of my ten hens, it was in the most used box were the bottom of the box was exposed and she managed to break it,but did what I explained to you and had sucess.Good luck.
We have chickens that peck their eggs, quite frequently, is their anything that anyone could tell us to prevent this. We feed them oyster shell along with their other food, are they lacking a nutrient or something? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Bob Edmonsond

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