I think my chickens hate their coop!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Nov 13, 2014
This is what I built to protect them from the hawk (I didn't build the coop just the cage).

This is what they do if I don't get them in their cage/coop before dusk...

This was their area before I realized there was a hawk watching them...

This is my first time as an adult having chickens. As a child I grew up on a ranch and had chickens... I don't recall much of how I cared for them as a child. I only remember the rooster being aggressive and chasing me. lol!

I have a coop, pictures attached and I swear they hate it. If I don't put them to bed at night they will roost in the orange tree. It gets very cold at night and I'm afraid they're going to die.

My black and brown chicken (I don't know the breeds) seem to hate each other so perhaps that's why they won't go in. The ruler of the roost, aka "my lady bird," my rhode island red seems to be okay w/ the coop and is my only layer at the moment. She's the queen bee, the eldest of the three but if she sees the brown and black jump into the orange tree she'll go up there too. I'll bring out warm rice and steamed veggies and can typically luer her down and into the coop but the other two won't come out of the tree at dusk to save their lives...

During the day if I'm home they can free range in their area.... But I'm afraid to let them free range when I'm not home for fear they'll get taken by a hawk that has been eyeing them or that they'll freeze to death in the frigid night weather.

My husband thinks we need to get the coop up off the ground higher... I don't know what to do. The first day we got them they lived on my garage roof and in the orange tree... Thank God it was still warm outside.

You definitely don't need a coop heater in San Jose! I live in Massachusetts and it was just -5 with a wind chill of -25. I do not have a heater in the coop and the chickens were fine. Think about it this way - would you want to wear a big thick parka in a hot room? Chicken feathers = a parka.
Check out some of the coops on here. Maybe you can find a way to add onto and elevate your coop. Check out the hardiness of your chickens... They may never need heat in there. I put a heater pad in mine but it was -3 the other day with a -20 windchill and I have only 3 EE in the coop.

Try turning the heat off and see if it helps any. Remember, they have fur coats on...

It's all trial and error to see what works for you. Good luck!
Linnea1024, I live only a couple hours from you at the most, I have much more open coops with a lot more ventilation and I never add heat. They just don't need it in our climate. Those thick down jackets they wear are more then enough for our CA winters. Your challenge will be keeping them cool enough in there come summer. In CA we have to think fans, not heaters!
Just put the box up higher...put legs on it or find some surface you can set it on, then add a ladder or way for them to get up to the door. My birds hate the coop but are glad to have it at night. I have 6 birds (RIRs) in a 4 bird coop. They fit nicely. 1 bird in each box, and the other 2 on the roost. Sometimes one bird likes it on the ground and she builds herself a nest on the ground...lol. I have one gal setting right now, even tho it's middle of winter here in central AZ.
How about stacking cinder blocks under the coop. You can stack them, put rebar in the inside of the blocks and add cement. Viola! Super sturdy legs. Go to Home Depot, lowes hardware store and ask for instructions they'll help you. Alternately you can ask them for other ideas for some high legs or something to raise the coop up. Good luck.
I suspect that they do not want to go into a small, enclosed box at ground level like that, chickens always prefer to roost higher up. And if they don't get along well and there is squabbling then a small space is even less enticing. Either way, they want to roost up higher. But they are certainly at great risk from predators by roosting at night in the tree's or on the rooftops.
I've gotta find something higher... I was looking for a used shed to turn into a coop but haven't had much luck. The good news is they love me... I feed them a hot breakfast every morning... Either rice with steamed veggies and crushed cashews sprinkled over the top or oatmeal with flax seeds, raisins, and almonds... In their little coop I do have a radiant wall heater so it keeps them warm in the frigid temperatures.

Thank you for the advise!
MY RIR's would roost in the trees if I didn't lock them down by dusk also. Safer then the ground because they are protected by the leafs. Some breeds like trees more than others. They may not want to be so closed in your coop and like the others said they like to roost up high. Not sure what you have for a roost bar in that. Silkies would love that set up because they are not as big on roosting and typically don't like to climb up into coops. Good luck!

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