I think my favorite girl has a small crop impaction


Crazy chicken lady
Mar 27, 2020
Southwestern Pennsylvania
My Coop
My Coop
When I picked her off the roost this morning (it’s no uncommon for me to pick her up as she waits for me), I noticed immediately a golf-ball sized knot in her crop. Rather than walk around she stood where I sat her. I do not believe this was present last night. Y’all I have to leave for work in seven minutes and there’s nothing I can do about it. I’m a health provider and just can’t call off or I would. I will be home in eleven hours. Please help me come up with a game plant to hit the ground running as soon as I come home!

She free ranges with the rest of the flock. They regularly access roughly three acres of grass and woodlands. This impaction could be caused by anything!
When some of my hens got a little older (over 2) some had reproductive disorders developing. Occasionally one would get a crop that slowed down, or eventually, became impacted and later sour. I have never treated one when the crop became sour, get better. But if your hen is having a slow crop, I would give a tsp of slightly chilled coconut oil to peck once a day until the crop empties overnight. Make sure she has grit available, and consider worming with Valbazen or SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer, since worms can affect a crop.
When some of my hens got a little older (over 2) some had reproductive disorders developing. Occasionally one would get a crop that slowed down, or eventually, became impacted and later sour. I have never treated one when the crop became sour, get better. But if your hen is having a slow crop, I would give a tsp of slightly chilled coconut oil to peck once a day until the crop empties overnight. Make sure she has grit available, and consider worming with Valbazen or SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer, since worms can affect a crop.

She is at least five :( she is the sweetest chicken I’ve ever had. She will lay on my lap for an hour sometimes. I tried squishing the crop a bit and there was just the slightest give to the ball. I could feel a lot of knobby bits too. If she doesn’t peck the oil I can scrape some off into her mouth? Is there a dosage for a direct oral injection of goat worker? I have a flock of thirty and I don’t want to dose the whole flock. She and her sister are the only “seniors.”

I am going to be so distracted all day. I just want to go home and tend to my girl. I hate that I had to leave her.

This was her on my lap just yesterday afternoon. I didn’t feel anything unusual at that time.
If she won't eat the coconut oil, yes, you can put tiny chunks inside her beak.
Usually once they have tasted the oil, they eat it right up. Mine would eat chunks of cold coconut oil every day if I gave it to them.

The oil may help loosen up the ball that's in there. Aim for twice a day. Give the oil, then slowly manipulate what's in there. If it's not moving much, then you can give 1 stool softener (stimulant free!) Often this will help too.

Water always available during waking hours. I let mine eat too. Usually there's wet mash available, so hens with issues usually seem to eat that. I don't separate birds from the flock unless they are getting picked at. I feel separation causes more stress on a bird that is not feeling that well.

If the ball is not moving after a day or so...I usually start treating with a yeast cream as well, gets ahead of the crop turning sour (hopefully).
Carol's article is what I go by, I'm sure you've probably seen/read it. https://www.backyardchickens.com/ar...ntion-and-treatments-of-crop-disorders.67194/

Safeguard liquid goat dewormer dose if 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once a day for 5 days in row.
It can be given with any of the treatment(s) in the article.

Pretty hen! I hope she feels better.
If she won't eat the coconut oil, yes, you can put tiny chunks inside her beak.
Usually once they have tasted the oil, they eat it right up. Mine would eat chunks of cold coconut oil every day if I gave it to them.

The oil may help loosen up the ball that's in there. Aim for twice a day. Give the oil, then slowly manipulate what's in there. If it's not moving much, then you can give 1 stool softener (stimulant free!) Often this will help too.

Water always available during waking hours. I let mine eat too. Usually there's wet mash available, so hens with issues usually seem to eat that. I don't separate birds from the flock unless they are getting picked at. I feel separation causes more stress on a bird that is not feeling that well.

If the ball is not moving after a day or so...I usually start treating with a yeast cream as well, gets ahead of the crop turning sour (hopefully).
Carol's article is what I go by, I'm sure you've probably seen/read it. https://www.backyardchickens.com/ar...ntion-and-treatments-of-crop-disorders.67194/

Safeguard liquid goat dewormer dose if 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once a day for 5 days in row.
It can be given with any of the treatment(s) in the article.

Pretty hen! I hope she feels better.
Thank you so much. And it seems like me having to wait on treatment might not be make or break. I drive over an hour to get to work and I just didn’t have time do do anything else. She was drinking when I left. I saw her take several sips of water and I think maybe it’s going down because there wasn’t any squishiness from water. She was standing by the front door when I left so that’s when I was able to feel around real quick. I can pick up meds on my way home. Thankfully the feed store is on the way. Thank you all for your quick responses.
So I worried all day and even called and rescheduled patients to come home. Sat in crazy traffic pushing my commute to 1.5 hours, aaaaaaand she was fine. She had a normal feeling crop. She did her famous run-hop to greet me. I still feel she had a mild impaction, but it resolved itself. It is not typical of her to get off the roost to eat and get back on because shes hadchronic Bumblefoot for three years. That’s why she waits for me to pick her up off the roost in the mornings. Plus I ever noticed a morning snack resulting in a hard lump like that. I’ll keep treatment options on standby to be better prepared. I know my girl is getting older and that her Bumblefoot probably takes it’s own toll on her. She is still laying too.

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