I think winter is here BRRR

Hangin Wit My Peeps

11 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Birnamwood, Wisconsin
Who else got down to 25 degrees last night? I let the chickens out this morning and NONE of them wanted to walk on the grass LOL It had frozen dew on it. Hilarious. They were all trying to fly all the way over the grass to the driveway where the sun was shining down. And when NONE made it that far they tried hopping high to miss that darn cold wet grass. Now they are all puffed up and look really super round. HEHE you would think they have never experienced winter before.
We got temps down in the 30's at night about a week ago. The temps went back up and now it is chilly again here. We've been getting in the 40's the last few nights.Fall is here and winter is right around the corner:/ We get a wide range of temps here in NY. From high 90's in summer to 0 or below in winter. Not looking forward to the really cold, cold weather!
Amy I LOVE your avatar
So adorable!

I'm not looking forward to those cold cold spells either. Lets hope for a warmer winter this year. I LOVE WI but sometimes I THINK about florida weather while I'm sitting here and it's -30 F outside LOL If I told my hubby that he would accuse me of getting OLD!
My hubby and kids already accuse me of that already and I'm only 33 lol. Thats what I get for marrying someone a couple years younger than me! We built our coop close enough to the house so it wouldn't be too bad of a trek through the snow each day. Sometimes we get a lot!
It only got down in the 40s here and I thought I was going to freeze to death opening the doors for the dogs.

I told my SO we are cutting wood for the house this weekend!

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