I thought these were Leghorns...

Thank you so much for letting me know!! I just called the same store where I was going to get the Sevin and the have the diatomaceous for 99 cent a lb.... even cheaper to boot!!
Just make sure the DE is food grade and not pool grade. The pool grade is toxic and will kill chickens. Silica should be less than 3%..if its higher, it's the wrong stuff and many places don't know the difference.

Yes, I purchased it from a local Feed/Pet store and he assured me that it was food grade.

On a sadder note...raccoons got into the unfinished coop last night and chewed up the heads of two of the new ladies. =/ Luckily 4 hens were in the top floor of the coop and he didn't get them. With that, I will be finishing the door tonight... grr
Just an update, this stuff worked like a charm. 3 days later and the mites are completely gone. The lice are about 90% gone. What a great natural product!

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