I want to give ferile eggs to neighbor, how to collect


Jan 29, 2019
Vail AZ
I have 4 young hens who just recently started laying. I believe the eggs are fertile as i have 2 roosters who are quite active ;). At the moment I am getting 1 to 2 eggs a day.she would like 6. Can I just collect, store round end up in carton, and store in cool house? How many days? Anything else I should do? Is it too soon as they have been laying for 2 months
I have 4 young hens who just recently started laying. I believe the eggs are fertile as i have 2 roosters who are quite active ;). At the moment I am getting 1 to 2 eggs a day.she would like 6. Can I just collect, store round end up in carton, and store in cool house? How many days? Anything else I should do? Is it too soon as they have been laying for 2 months
Pullet eggs are very small. Small eggs = small chicks = weaker chicks. It would be better to wait until they are larger.
When the eggs are closer to full size, you can just put the eggs in a carton on your counter until you have collected 6.
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Put the blunt side up and pointy side down in the egg carton
If.you are.not giving them to your neighbor right away make sure you move the eggs now and then from one side to the other so they will not stick
Also make sure they do not get warm
Or they will think its time to start a growing lol
this is a part one of 4 videos but it looks like you just need to see Part 1. However I recommend to anyone interested to watch all 4. This guy has the best instructional videos.

( I do not do the listerine trick but I have and did not have problems from it, I just don't like doing it and feel it likely does not help enough to be worth doing)

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