I want to see pictures!


5 Years
May 3, 2014
Oklahoma's 918
I'm making a list and trying to decide what kind of rooster I want for my flock. Right now I've got 4 breeds I'm looking at: Easter egger, black copper Maran, buckeye, and welsummer. So I would love to see pictures of your magnificent roosters! And feel free to tell me why you love them!
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It depends on what breed of hens you have? I mean if you want the chicks to actually look like a color instead of a mish mash of hues, smile.What have you got? Breed and color variety?
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Ohh goodness here we go :)! As of right now I have 3 australorps pullets, 1 silver laced bantam cochin pullet, and 3 EE pullets. I have several roos gold laced wyandottes, barred rocks, EEs, and 1 frizzled barred cochin. Almost all of the roos will either be rehomed or culled. On my list to buy: marans, speckled Sussex, blue laced red wyandotte, millie fleur (not sure what breed yet just want that coloring), barnevelder, Brahma, buckeyes, welsummer, Dorkings, and I'd love some jubilee Orpingtons if I can find some! I love colored chickens and colored eggs!!! The more variety the better! :)

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