i want to start raising ducks


9 Years
May 24, 2010
wichita falls texas
how do I know what kind of duck the ducklings are. I go to atwoods and most of the workers don't know mush about the birds they sell. so I will be blind going in there. I been looking at pics of baby ducks a lot of them look alike but are different breeds. should I just pick the ones I like or know the exact breed I need. I would like 3 or 4 babies. I will try the eggs like my chicken eggs but mostly just want the ducks cuz I want them.
What kind of ducks do you want? what ducklings do they carry at your store? Some good egg layers: cayuga, welsh harlequin, ancona, khaki campbell, ?pekin? Those are the ones i have heard about.
well most of the ducklings are white and some are white with black and I do know they have mallards (that is the only one I know about) .... I was thinking cambells , magpies , or muscovy
Campbells are brown to dark brown. magpies are yellow with black splotches on both fluff and feet.

The one in front is a khaki. The one in the back is a pekin.
they are so cute and friendly
Find a breeder in your area that is on BYC or on Craigslist or Facebook groups. I got my Muscovies from breeders that posted ads on Facebook poultry groups I follow. Then you know exactly what you're getting, you get to see the parent stock, and the seller knows about what they're selling.

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