I wonder to let my broody chicken hatch a few duck eggs.

We don't have much predators here (Netherlands in a small town). We don’t have turtles, otters, raccoons and mink. A hawk is a possible killer but so far my small chickens free range and were never taken by one.

I have been reading about predators on a Dutch site. For adult ducks they name only cats, dogs and foxes. There is only one dog around here. I never saw him swim in the water. Cats dont go in the water. But foxes do ☹️.
Did you know foxes swim? Check this fotoshoot!

Ducklings have a lot more to fear from way more predators. Thats the reason I wanted the ducklings to stay in the coop and run with the chickens most of the time. And can only go out to the water when supervised. But when the ducklings grow up I like them to live on the stream. Like semi wild ducks.
I thought a small coop on a raft could do for a nice place to be reasonably safe. Safe for cats anyway.

I have been looking into duck breeds.
Mallard ducks are wild ducks where I live. 🤭 Nobody is keeping wild ducks here.
I do like the idea of buying egg of the small Call ducks. There are lots of Call duck keepers here. (kooieenden) They small and
are quit common in England and the Netherlands. In white and many other colours. There is one con: they make a lot of noise compared to other ducks. But if they live upon / near the stream this wont be a problem. If they ever fly away I wouldn’t mind.

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