IA (incubators anonymous) September Hatches?

I really need her to message me back and tell me what this chick is!!! I'm so curious. I was reading somewhere that you could achieve a similar color by crossing Wheaten Marans (which I know she has, she also has Birchen) with Ameraucanas. So I bet it is from a Marans project!
I really need her to message me back and tell me what this chick is!!! I'm so curious. I was reading somewhere that you could achieve a similar color by crossing Wheaten Marans (which I know she has, she also has Birchen) with Ameraucanas. So I bet it is from a Marans project!

Yes, and please update! I want to know what it is too!
FDFDB336-BA85-4E89-AC94-55774804775F.jpeg Well, I got 1 out of the 2. And 3 out of the next 4. The chicks who didn’t make it were malpositioned but my number of those went way down considering I’ve been having ALL malpositions for some reason the last few hatches. So, I’m happy. I have 4 more of my planned due to hatch this week coming up. Lockdown is Tuesday am. Then I’m collecting random eggs for the Halloween hatch a long then I’m done til after holidays. These past few hatches wore me out lol

I also got 6 BL chicks via a small feed store who gets chicks in small numbers through a local breeder as I have been wanting them badly and not via hatchery.

Here’s 3 of mine Bantam Roos (a Sebright and a OEGB over medium and large hens. The one on the bottom was last to hatch and was sticky so her head looks all funky lol she’s fluffed up now.
Thank you!!! Is this the shipped set you got?? How many made it to LD?
The ones going into lock down this Sunday are Blue Star hybrids and Light Brahmas from eBay (Florida seller). I candled them last night. Getting dark and hard to tell what is going on, but looks like 5 or 6 BS and 2 LB are still in the running for LD.
I had a BM quit late in my last hatch. It was a dark brown egg, not as dark as the BCM that hatched, but dark.
That's awesome! I hope it is a pullet, too! And I hope she lays that color for you!
Yay! They are so cute! Great job!

I started with 12 eggs. The 2 EEs didn't do anything. One Blue Star and 1 Light Brahma quit. Still seeing veins in 4, and veins and movement in 4. They go into lock down tonight.

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