
Keep your fingers crossed Jean for these last two pips!!...hoping they make it....they just pipped this afternoon so I'm hopeful...
Congratulations!!!!! I hope you get them all!
Way to go Sandy!
That "Old Faithful" bator came through for you again, didn't it? That is a fantastic hatch. And those eggs from Christina are awesome too. Those ought to be some hearty little buggars after traveling that far.
Goes to show all you need is faith in your incubator and how to control your temps and humidity....I wouldn't trade this old incubator for anything new.....

This little buff orp really stands out in with all those blue/black/splash...lol
I have 2 splash, 6 blues from dark to light, I think.. the buff and two still working on getting out...good size pips.....
They all hatched!!!..the other 2 pipped and zipped out before
bedtime last night....The last 12th egg that did not have a pip at midnight has just hatched out...

Christina sent me 14 eggs...13 blue/splash orps and the 1 buff orp egg...All developed good, 1 quit on me the second week of candling, the other egg I questioned the evening of day 18, marked it and kept it in the bator...All 12 that developed well have made it out....Pics of this dirty doz. sometime this afternoon !!!
Oh Boy, looks like the old bator and the pro have come through again to make the rest of us look bad.

I love it! Congratulations to you Sandy for a job well done and to Christina for providing top quality eggs.

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