I'd love to have a hatching buddy?

I've got a hot mess of cross breeds going on in my incubator.

I know for sure that my Barred Rock Roo got to my Buff Orph, my RIR, SLW, Black Sex Links and Leghorns. My Leghorn eggs were all Yolkers, so they're out. It will be interesting to see which actually hatch.
The chick will grow out to be barred like it's daddy. If it were a RIR Male cross with a BR female you would've gotten a black sex link :) and I hope you can save the egg! Fingers crossed

I bet it will be a Black Sex a Link with the way she looks right now. I've had a really bad time with Roos. They're either aggressive towards my daughter or tearing up my ladies. My Banty Roo is the only boy whom isn't aggressive, so he can stay.

I'm such a chicken. After candling that egg, I took it back out to momma. I decided to let nature take its course. We all went outside after dinner and she was sitting again, so I'm hopeful.
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I bet it will be a Black Sex a Link with the way she looks right now. I've had a really bad time with Roos. They're either aggressive towards my daughter or tearing up my ladies. My Banty Roo is the only boy whom isn't aggressive, so he can stay.

I'm such a chicken. After candling that egg, I took it back out to momma. I decided to let nature take its course. We all went outside after dinner and she was sitting again, so I'm hopeful.
Barred Rock Roosters have 2 sets of the barring gene, so for the most part all of a Barred Rock's offspring will look black with a yellow dot on it's head. I used to have a Barred Rock roo that was really aggresive so I got rid of him, but I hatched a bunch of chicks from a lot of different mommas with him as the daddy and they all came out black with a yellow dot on their heads. The offspring will be barred as well. And that's great that she's sitting again! I hope the egg hatches :)
Barred Rock Roosters have 2 sets of the barring gene, so for the most part all of a Barred Rock's offspring will look black with a yellow dot on it's head. I used to have a Barred Rock roo that was really aggresive so I got rid of him, but I hatched a bunch of chicks from a lot of different mommas with him as the daddy and they all came out black with a yellow dot on their heads. The offspring will be barred as well. And that's great that she's sitting again! I hope the egg hatches :)
Great info, thank you! I really hope she's a she ;)
Fingers crossed! If she's a she she'll be a fantastic layer :) that's a great cross for egg laying
Awesome! I need those. My two year old gets egg money for her savings account and since my Roo's been gone, their routine is off. I hope they all get to laying normally again.
I was pretty bummed that all of the normal sized Roosters I've had, hasn't worked out. Lesson learned regarding docile breeds. That means nothing when your a Roo.
I was pretty bummed that all of the normal sized Roosters I've had, hasn't worked out. Lesson learned regarding docile breeds. That means nothing when your a Roo.
If they're hatchery stock birds then heck yeah I agree. I would suggest getting a rooster from a real breeder. they tend to cull out mean roos and don't use them for breeding. I have a welsummer roo and 3 pullets from a breeder in PA and so far they are the most docile chickens I've ever had and I've had a ton of different breeds. just goes to show you get what you pay for I guess

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