ID my chickens please!

Annabelle Cowen

In the Brooder
Dec 10, 2015
I am having a difficult time determining the breeds and sexes of my chickens and I need help. I know that 2 of them are definitely roosters but not sure about Clove (the patterned one with blue legs and beak and no comb).

This is Clove. I'm not sure if it's a she or he because at first I thought Clove was a she but she has started playfighting with the roosters and grabs the feathers at the back of the neck of my baby hens. Clove is about 6 weeks old

This is Clove. I'm not sure if it's a she or he because at first I thought Clove was a she but she has started playfighting with the roosters and grabs the feathers at the back of the neck of my baby hens. Clove is about 6 weeks old
Patchy coloring, dark chest, and pink comb before fully feathered are all pointing to this chick being a cockerel. The behavior you are describing isn't male specific, it's pecking order related right now.
Well hens will do that to. Iv had pullets that actually act like they are roosters when they are not. They watch the roosters and they will be like "I want to fight back and follow what they are doing" they can be really funny sometimes! Now hens that do do this will do it because of their breed. If they are a playful energetic and curious breed. To me it ooks like a cockerl right now, but it's still a little to soon to tell for sure. I'd wait about 2 weeks more and repost a pic. of he/she, then it will be easier to tell. My hens still play fight like roosters.
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This is Darth Vader - one of my roosters. He is 4 weeks old and I am thinking about selling him as he is already starting to peck my hands and run at them.

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