
BCM=Black Copper Marans. And no at the moment I don't have any pullet's for sale. My plan is to grow out what I'm hatching now thru the winter and I will have some ready to lay hens for sale in the spring. How old are your straight run chicks? Depending on my hatch success I may have some chicks I would part with in a few weeks.
My kids are about 19 weeks and I have re-homed 4 of the boys. They are a wide variety of bantam breeds and since I am looking to build back up my hen quantity, I am thinking of standard size, (bigger egg for cooking ;-) !! I have heard there is someone in Emmett that sells pullets and was hoping it was you... I would love to see what you have... Can I PM you?
Sure anyone can PM me. Like I said I will not have pullet's ready until spring, but I'm always looking for new chicken people that are local to trade stories and maybe even birds with.
No eggs in the bator, but Mary just hatched 3 from under her broody butt! They are all so cute. one easter egger, one looks like a red sex link and the other is black. My roo is a gold laced wyandotte and the hens are a little bit of everything. I only gave her three eggs this time because I wasn't sure if any would hatch. Now that I know, the next broody hen will get a few more and then maybe I have some to sell. Yay!!
Grats on the hatch Barnchick!!
I have 3 Wheaten Marans pullets from the Bev Davis line. I can't wait for them to start laying - they're 4 months old now. In your experience, do your Marans lay through the winter? Do you provide artificial light? Curious minds want to know

I have 14 Norwegian Jaerhons in the bator right now. Candled them at yesterday and it looks like only 1 may be a dud! Keep your fingers crossed for me
The eggs from this breed are Jumbo and white. Hard to believe such a small bird - although considered standard- could lay such big eggs

Barnchick - I've never had a broody hen...can't wait! When I moved here a few weeks ago, a piece to my egg turner for my Hovabator was lost. I had to order it from Genesis, so for the last week I've been turning eggs by hand and having a hard time keeping the humidity at 45-50%. The missing piece finally arrived today. I hope these NJs are broody

Congrats Barnchick!
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Yes my Marans will lay through the winter, though production drops by about 50%. I do provide artificial light in the morning beginning at 5am but none in the evenings.
We are in Post Falls. Have 10 chickens, four of them we have had for four years now. Got a few more buff orpintons and black silky bantams this spring. Ducks too this spring. 4 Rouens we would like to re-home.. (they hate one of my small dogs)
Nice to see others from northern idaho here..

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