
Hi there everyone....great idea Daloorashens, you know there are a bunch of us Idahoans just looking for others to bird talk with. "Birds of a feather flock together".

My name is Cathy, and I live outside of Blackfoot. Glad to see my friends here and I'd love to meet more of you.

and Thomas423 we can certainly get your pop set up with some lovely chicks, just pm me also.

Yay!!! More and more Idaho peeps...Love it!!
I didn't know turkeys like water, interesting!!! You have horses too, right?? And goats?? (or am I thinking of someone else??) So, how many of those cockerels do you have running around out there? Do you worry about penning them up at night, or just let them do their chicken thing?

Susan.. how did you get the hen from pips and peeps??
There's around 40 running around. They go back into their pens at night. The larger ones like a particular pen and the smaller ones prefer the other one. They sort themselves out at bedtime but run together during the day. I just toss some treats in the pens. The big birds go to bed first, then I call in the smaller ones.
Hi All,
My father and step-mother live in Blackfoot, Idaho. They would like to have some chickens to raise.
I would like to get some for them.
Any ideas in the area for them?
They would be okay with chicks but POL would be better.
We're driving out there later this month, but I really don't want to travel that far with hens.
We will be stopping over in Salt Lake City also. so that is an option
I have a few extras...
from a month old to a year old... I also sell organic feed.
Great to see the Idaho thread pick up steam!! I have been buried the last week.. girls camp, in-laws, work etc... I'll get on later in the week and post a bio...

Happy 4th of July everyone!!
Would love to see pics of your buff/blue orp roo... It is soo pretty up there where you live, love central Idaho...
I would really like to try my hand at incubating soon, too... what kinds of chicks did you hatch??
A Master Gardener?? Cool!! Like Lisa said, now I know who to ask my gardening questions!!
WELCOME!!! So glad to have more people popping in!!! I knew there had to be some IDaho people with big flocks and lots of experience=)

Here is a picture of Lucky the Blue/Buff Orpington Roo. He sired the chicks that I hatched, with GLW, RIR, and sex link hens.
Here is a picture of Lucky the Blue/Buff Orpington Roo. He sired the chicks that I hatched, with GLW, RIR, and sex link hens.

What a pretty roo!! I bet you have some lovely chickens! Thanks for posting a pic...

Hey Birduy.. nice to see you back on=)

HAve a safe and happy 4th everyone!!
Susan.. how did you get the hen from pips and peeps??

Brilliantly, I happen to live about 5 minutes from her! She's just the next lake over from me. She had gotten Virgina, named in honor of my grandmother, to do a breeding project but changed her mind so here she came. I got my Ameraucana trio from her too. She's one person you can guarentee your getting a true Ameraucana from, and super nice too.

I hope Virginia finds the spunk my grandmother had soon. She's a bit mousy yet, but very sweet with me. She'll eat out of my hand and was twining under my legs in the coop this morning.
Brilliantly, I happen to live about 5 minutes from her! She's just the next lake over from me. She had gotten Virgina, named in honor of my grandmother, to do a breeding project but changed her mind so here she came. I got my Ameraucana trio from her too. She's one person you can guarentee your getting a true Ameraucana from, and super nice too.

I hope Virginia finds the spunk my grandmother had soon. She's a bit mousy yet, but very sweet with me. She'll eat out of my hand and was twining under my legs in the coop this morning.

Wow, you live that close?? Isn't she in Washington?? so you're on the border, or am I confused??=) I bet your Ameracaunas are beautiful. I love Virginia for your hen's name...
Hi there everyone....great idea Daloorashens, you know there are a bunch of us Idahoans just looking for others to bird talk with. "Birds of a feather flock together".

My name is Cathy, and I live outside of Blackfoot. Glad to see my friends here and I'd love to meet more of you.

and Thomas423 we can certainly get your pop set up with some lovely chicks, just pm me also.


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