
good to know, thank you! :)
If I got chicks now, how long would I have to get a coop built?

Chickens can be free range. I would keep them inside if you don't have a coop yet if you buy chicks. I know they start laying at 6 months of age. I would say get the coop built in 3 months. At 1 month they eat a lot more and are mainly feathered but still small enough for predators to make a quick snack. I've seen some coops that are small that house 4-5 chickens and they look like they would only take a week or two. If you were to try and build a coop like mine it would take up 1 month if you didn't work on it everyday for most of the day.
Does anyone in the IF area have pure bred/hybrid(OE, SBEL, etc) hatching eggs, and what breeds? I'm about to clean out the incubator and am considering doing another hatch before I put it away for the year.
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I live in Logan, am driving to Blackfoot this week on 5/31...I have purebred Showgirl/Silkie/ eggs that will either be frizzled, smooth, or silkied, they are $30/dozen plus, I usually get closer to two dozen in each batch they are laying like crazy right now.
Those are so temping... I wonder if them being smaller, silkied or possibly frizzled would get me past my mom. She is afraid of naked necks but she does want a frizzle
Showgirls and Silkies... I'm gonna have to think about that. Would the eggs fit in a egg turner?

I'm looking for chickens, my parents would have my skin if I got any peafowl. I'm not sure if losing my skin is worth it.
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These are bantam sized, in a standard stryofoam bator turner I would just put some tissue around the base to help them turn gently instead of jolting. OR you can hand turn them and fit a TON in an incubator lol
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Skin is for weaklings. :p Sadly, I don't have any birds I could part with, but I wish you luck.
That is true, I'm not sure most people would agree though.

I've decided against hatching eggs for now unless someone offers something really good and I lose all self control, a feed store nearby will have some chicks that I want this last go round. So that is the chicken budget
I would see if anyone had a black orp chick that was obviously a roo. But my mom said wait and see what we have out of our straight runs
I'm headed out in the afternoon to pick up these kids.I just got my four week old peeps move into their coop on Thursday.I also have 30 eggs in the incubator going off tomorrow.Lot's of chicken stuff happening around here.Will I miss the mark on hatch day. TODAY IS THE DAY!!!! .Have RR and Silkie's trying to hatch as I type.Going to be fun around here.

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