idea please! how to change her nesting habits???


8 Years
Apr 29, 2011
My rir hen first decided to lay in the livingroom- the other day I tried to change her box and move it outside which apparently made the livingroom unsuitable for laying so for the 2nd day in a row I found an egg in my bed. I would rather have it in a box in the livingroom than dirty chicken feet in the place where I sleep (altho both times were on my husbands blanket). If I lock her out she goes crazy and tries to fly thru the windows. I'm afraid she will hurt herself AND anger the neighbors with her frantic screams.

How do I get her to lay outside in her coop like a normal chicken???
Comiserations, Cats and dogs are bad enough on the bed sheets (not to mention children
) When I got my last 6 pullets, they were the same, determined to lay where they wanted. So I followed them, you know that frantic face they get when they want to lay, and each time they were about to lay, I shut them in the hen house. Only had to do it a couple of times and now they are good as gold, nest box every time.
Oh that's a perfect idea!! I know exactly when she wants to lay cause she follows me around nagging with her plastic horn voice. The BR hasn't started laying yet but she's a follower so hopefully I can get red laying in the right spot and not have to do this twice!!

Thank you!!

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