Ideal Hatchery Asst Bantams???


10 Years
May 4, 2012
Keller, VA
Like everyone else on here that walks even past a store that has chicks...I must go in and buy! So of course I dd. Several bantams from a box of St Run mixed breed bantams.
I know that this store usually buys from Ideal. I checked out the website for Ideal's Bantam special and it notes that the bantams shipped do not include any chicks that are offered elsewhere on their site.
I know I have 3 bearded D Uccles and what appears to be a gold Sebright. Not offered elsewhere on their site? That one is unless it is something else. Then I have these other two little fellows. One is black with a white chest (so far) and I am hoping for another white-faced black Spanish. Then another chick that is smaller than the rest. Creamy colored.
I know I will need to get pics of these chicks to help with ID but to start I was wondering if anyone else has gotten this offer and what breeds they came up with???

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