Ideal Poultry!

Have you ordered from Ideal Poultry this year (2011)?

  • I ordered and already got my birds.

    Votes: 66 36.7%
  • I ordered and I am awaiting my order!

    Votes: 59 32.8%
  • I wanted to order but they are sold out of what I want.

    Votes: 18 10.0%
  • No. (This option is for Illia ;-)

    Votes: 37 20.6%

  • Total voters
Beautiful ducklings. I just want to add my two cents about Ideal. I have ordered from them in the past and I just ordered recently and went and picked up the chicks and they are just doing wonderful. I have some that are 2 years old and some that are 6 months old (from another hatchery) I have seen a difference in the set of chicks from Ideal. They are very healthy
iget mine from heartland hatchery
they also have great service!
Sorry for the sideways picture, not too sure how to fix that right this minute...
Hes a mille D'Uccle. Tht little hen there in the background didnt quite agree with him and picked his beard off! It was so full and pretty! ill get better pics once its grown back :)
Ive got quite the order coming in on the 22nd of feb, well see how they come in and ill post pics when i get them.
I have blue mille, porcelain, white, brown red, golden neck and mille d'uccles coming, as well as miltiple colors of OEG and Cochins. Also have breeder cochins coming in, ill post pics of them too :) As soon as they hatch that is
My beautiful quality mottled duccle hen.

My roo that did not come from ideal. Hes the accidental breeding of a LF BCM that jumped coop to get to my poor little mottled hen (not the one pictured) and had this beautiful little guy. His foot feathers are amazing!
My beautiful quality mottled duccle hen.

My roo that did not come from ideal. Hes the accidental breeding of a LF
Can anybody tell me how to upload pics now that BYC has upgraded? I tried and I couldn't get one out

Anyway, although I originally thought I had a bad experience with IDEAL, recently I have changed my mind about their birds as my chickens from last summer have developed more. A Buckeye cockerel I got from them is really quite a good specimen for a hatchery bird, and an Orloff cockerel I got from them is pretty impressive as well (not necessarily for his color, which is way off, but for his type and hardiness). I'd upload pics, but as I said, I'm having some trouble....

I'm considering ordering from IDEAL again either this summer or fall. I have my eye on their bantams, particularly their BBR Old English Games, S.C. White Leghorns, and Black Sumatras. Anyone have pics that they can upload of these breeds from IDEAL? Especially the Leghorns and Sumatras.

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These are some of my .99 special bantam chicks from Ideal. I call them my mystery chicks. Can someone identify this chick for me? They arrived in October, so they are not chicks anymore I suppose.
I am guessing...I don't have a clue what the first two are, but I think the white one is a Cochin? I know he is a rooster because he has already started crowing. Then possibly an ameracauna and then a frizzle?
Thanks for any chicken identifiers.
But I wanted to post these pics to show what outstanding stock Ideal ships. I thought perhaps their .99 special would be so-so chicks...these little birds are magnificent...I also got quite a few silkies in my assortment. I DEFINITELY would recommend IDEAL you can see, they sell outstanding chicks that turn into beautiful little birds.
I also got a mlle fleur ducle in the bantam assortment, but she was camera shy this morning...will upload a pic when I catch her outside of the hover brooder....
but here is part of her hiding under nesting boxes...I do believe she is a mille fleur, but if anyone can comment I would appreciate it...
#1 Silver Laced Cochin Bantam pullet
#2 Porcelain D'Uccle Pullet
#3 White Cochin Bantam Cockerel
# 4 Partridge Cochin Bantam Cockerel, just based on color pattern. Pullets are more pencilled looking.
#5 Red Frizzle Cochin Bantam. I am not sure if it is a pullet or cockerel. I am leaning toward cockerel.

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