Ideas on how to get chickens to lay in the nesting boxes?


8 Years
Sep 12, 2011
I have a handful of hens that don't lay in the nesting box, I put golf balls in their boxes and when I see them laying other than the nesting box I pick them up and put them in there. What else can I do??

We are in the process of building a new coop so it will be bigger :)
Are they new at laying? Do you have any who do use the boxes? You might try keeping them in the coop till about noon or so...or whenever they usually finish laying for the day. Do you ever see the in the boxes investigating them? Are the boxes easily accessible? Are they darkish and private? These can all be factors :)
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No they are not new to laying.

Yes I have some that use the nesting boxes.

Yes easily accessible but not dark and private, wondering if that would help?
It might. When we first got our girls, we put in a rubbermaid dishpan...only one would use it at all. Once their coop was done and we put boxes in with sides and a roof...they ALL use them. Well, I should say "it" because even though there are two just alike, they all use the same one, LOL. But, no more eggs anywhere except in the box.
Interesting, I will have to experiment with the privacy :)

i have approx 35 hens, are 16 nesting boxes enough?
I've seen those...they should work fine and be easy to clean as well. Just make sure there's a lip on the front to keep the bedding in and keep the "roof" on, LOL. Sixteen should be generally only need 1 for every 2 or 3 hens.

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