Identify Help~!


5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
We got a adorable new bantam Americana chick a few days past and I've been searching the internet and cant find out what color she'll be! I really need some help, I can find her coloration anywhere on the internet.
Bantam Americana Chick [Unknown color]
I just have never seen one like this before and the guy at the store, Dustin just said he had picked a light one? But that's all he said.
Your chick is an Easter Egger which is a mix breed chicken that lays varying shades of blue, green, and pink eggs. Since it is a mix there is no way to tell what it will look like until it is grown and fully feathered. Here are pictures of 3 of my EEs from chick to adult. They change so much it's impossible to tell.

But Its not an EE, its an Americana. and yes, those are pretty birds, but there were others that looked exactly like her in the bin labled 'Americana'.
I dont need to know what type, just the colour variation, sorry if this seems rude.
If you got it from a feed store, farm store, or hatchery it IS an Easter Egger. The proper spelling is Ameraucana for the purebred bird. The only recognized colors for Ameraucanas are Black, Blue, Blue Wheaten, Brown Red, Buff, Silver, Wheaten & White. I'd recommend googling chicks in those colors, but this chick does not look like a purebred bird to me. And just another FYI: I got my chicks from a farm store (Orscheln's) and they were labeled as Ameraucanas. I picked up more chicks that looked exactly the same from my local feed store and they were labeled as Araucanas. After lots of confusion and lots of research I realized all my "Ameraucana" and "Araucana"pullets were EEs. Here's a good article to read on the subject.
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Your chick is an Easter Egger which is a mix breed chicken that lays varying shades of blue, green, and pink eggs. Since it is a mix there is no way to tell what it will look like until it is grown and fully feathered. Here are pictures of 3 of my EEs from chick to adult. They change so much it's impossible to tell.
I've had big difference in colors from chick to adults on a few hatches but most mine have always been mixed
I've had big difference in colors from chick to adults on a few hatches but most mine have always been mixed

Yep. These 3 hens were mixed breeds called Easter Eggers. They're my favorite chickens to have because of their varying colors of feathers and eggs.

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