Identify these Breeds


10 Years
Jan 22, 2010

Please help identify breeds. I had a guy at my office that raised chickens who recently passed away. We have been selling off his chickens to help out the family but need to identify the above for listing. The Barred Rocks are mine and I have rescued the hens from the roosters as most of the hens were sold off and these girls were getting some abuse. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
pic 1: blue cochin and buff orpington in back
pic 2: buff orpington and 3 barred rocks
pic 3: maybe a red/gold sex link, but it is so far away i can't really see him
pic 4: can't see him...does he have feathered legs?
Blue Cochin (hen)
All them are Barred rocks (hens) except for the yellow/white
Easter Egger (roosters)
Need a better picture.
Please help identify breeds. I had a guy at my office that raised chickens who recently passed away. We have been selling off his chickens to help out the family but need to identify the above for listing. The Barred Rocks are mine and I have rescued the hens from the roosters as most of the hens were sold off and these girls were getting some abuse. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you could get a better picture of the las one and the yellow and white one that would be great!
Blue Cochin
Black/white birds: Barred Plymouth Rocks. Yellowish bird: Possibly a Brahma or mixed breed.
Cochin or Brahma mixes.
Need closer photos.
Please help identify breeds. I had a guy at my office that raised chickens who recently passed away. We have been selling off his chickens to help out the family but need to identify the above for listing. The Barred Rocks are mine and I have rescued the hens from the roosters as most of the hens were sold off and these girls were getting some abuse. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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