Identifying the Brood


8 Years
Dec 3, 2011

Hi everyone. I'm very new to this group and pretty new to chicken ownership. I was cruising along well until the adult chicken there (named Speckle) went broody. Since we don't own a rooster, a friend gave us 6 fertilized eggs. Speckle adopted them immediately and hatched five of the six. We lost one of the babies somehow so now have four that are growing well. I have several questions, if anyone has the time to answer. First, what is Speckle? Is she just a mutt or is she a breed? Second, the little one on the left looks like it'll grow to be a Rhode Island Red. Is that a safe assumption? Any way of telling if it's a girl or boy yet? How about the one peeking out from behind Speckle? There are two more black ones behind Speckle, but they wouldn't pose for the camera. I would love to keep the red one if she is indeed a she, and a Rhode Island Red. Any help would be appreciated. ~ Christiane
they might all just be mutts. there is white all over the red one, it could be a red sexlink. as far as if pullet or cockeral, both seem to have very red combs for 7 week olds. a pic of all of them seprate showing their whole body and one showing neck and up can hepl.




Here are the four babes. Sorry that the last one doesn't get the full face. Does this help? Thanks in advance.
The white chick looks a good deal like a Delaware from the little bit that I can see. The red and white one has female sexlink coloring but is looking rather masculine by the comb and legs. They're probably barnyard mixes, though, unless your friend has separate pens for breeding.

ETA: you posted better pics. The last one, I can't see the comb at all and the white one is a maybe for me (leaning boy) but the red one and the first black one look like boys for certain.
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i see a lot of roos the only possable pullet i see is the last pic of the black one. they have really red combs and wattles for 7 weeks, if any of them have very pale combs and wattles they might be pullets but as far as i can see i see just one pullet. from what i have been reading this has been the year of roosters, i think i lucked out and have 2 pullets
Thanks for the responses. In all honesty, I don't care if they're roosters or pullets....we got the fertilized eggs to get the broody chicken off her butt and it's worked. We only want the five we already have (for egg laying) so these will all be given to friends of ours who have already expressed an interest.

Do you know how many weeks I need to wait before I'll know for sure what the sex is?
i would try posting pics again of each chick at around 12-15 weeks by then many people here should be able to tell for sure

here is my roo labled on what feathers to be looking for. the hackles tend to always come in first and they are slinder and pointed

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