Identifying this cutie


In the Brooder
Sep 4, 2019
I am hoping for help on IDing my little freebie girl. I received my order of chicks yesterday and this little girl was added to the order. She has a orange face with light gray on the top of her head and down the middle of her back. Her legs and feet are grayish pink, not bright orange. After some searching, I thought she might be a legbar, maybe frost white. But after looking on the forum, now I’m confused. I’m hoping someone might be able to help. Pics below. She is the one on the far left in the drinking pic. Thanks!
EEs come in every color, some are beardless, & some have single combs.
Was just researching after your post and learned that about them. I had one many years ago, that laid beautiful blue eggs,(lost her to a dog) but none since. Thank you.
Going by the dark legs, puffy cheeks and their breed list? Most likely an EE and the fact that they sell sexed EE likely to be a roo, but :fl
I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it isn’t a roo. Thank you.
Too early to tell breed. Does the paperwork say it's a random girl because mystery chicks are usually boys.
No paperwork on freebie. I was wondering about it being a boy. Wings look like girl, but they almost look clipped to look like girl. Was just talking to hubs about this.

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