IDK what's wrong


Jul 1, 2018
I have a chicken rhoad island red almost 17 weeks old IDK what's wrong with her she lays down with her eyes closed until able to move I'm thinking she constaped but I don't know how much longer she can take plz help.
This is a completely wild guess and is probably not the problem but...I had a rooster that acted like this because he had somehow managed to get a string wrapped around his tongue have you checked in her mouth? Again i doubt this is the problem but just thought i would suggest it. Hope she makes it :)
If you look at her bum, is it covered in poop or swollen? Will she eat or drink If you put it in front of her?
No there's no poo in and it doesn't seem to be swollen and no she will not eat or drink I've seen her strain to poop once and only a little spuirt came out
Has she laid any eggs yet? Do you have a picture of her in her present condition you can post?

Are any of your other birds showing any abnormal signs?
No there's no poo in and it doesn't seem to be swollen and no she will not eat or drink I've seen her strain to poop once and only a little spuirt came out
Would you be able to give her a warm bath soak? That might help loosed up stool.
When that little squirt came out, what color was it? Was it normal chicken poop brown? Or foamy, clear, black, white, or something else?
Has she laid any eggs yet? Do you have a picture of her in her present condition you can post?

Are any of your other birds showing any abnormal signs?
She has not paid any eggs yet and all my other birds are fine an uess I have a pic

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