If you are thinking solar gate opener in the Pacific NW, think again


Heavenly Grains for Hens
9 Years
Jun 8, 2010
Pacific NW- where the Douglas Firs grow
I just wanted to let you all know that we tried to use a solar gate opener for our driveway gate.

We had to hook it up to electric because over the winter it went dead.

The literature on it had said it would get 6 cycles per day in the Pacific NW.

Maybe I can fry eggs on it over the summer?
What's worse is that my DH and my FIL both said the solar wouldn't work, and I pushed on.

Sooooo embarrassing, as I am not an engineer by training, and they are. Two engineers saying, "I told you so."


Hopefully I save some other Pac NW'er from the same fate.

I can see that I should have asked you first.

*****note to self- ask Imp before buying solar products in future******


I usually hang 10-20 pots of flowers around the yard. I had the idea to go to Freddy's and buy some of those inexpensive solar lights, and put one in each pot, for a soft glow in the evenings. But I wonder if it is a waste of money. I have neighbors with them along the drive, and they do work, but I'd be compounding the problem by hanging many of them in trees.

Course I could always move them.

I implore you to not put them in partial shade. (I am not so good at puns, so

I have some of those in the back yard around the patio, and if a bush so much as casts a shadow across its surface, the darn thing won't glow that night. I have moved them around until they are all happy, lol.

The ones from Walmart I have had to put in the garbage except one, but my ones from Home Depot are holding out mostly (two dead out of 12).

Being as that I spent $4 each on them, I am annoyed they aren't of higher quality. I suppose Fred Meyer might have another brand, eh?
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I have a TON of solar lighted geegaws in my yard. That's all fine and good for here in West Sacramento, but up the the Sierra foothills, the property has a whole lot more shaded area. I'm gonna have to scout out the sunniest spots to put my stuff.

I bought those WalMart 4 buck solar pathway lights and won't ever buy any ever again. They died fast. And there was NO lack of sunlight here! So now I pick more carefully, spend a bit more, and that's why there are some solar items still left on the shelves at Lowe's and some other stores.

A solar powered gate opener, never even heard o' one of those. Hmmmmm.

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