If you could live in any State in the U.S. where would you live?

If I could live anywhere, I would probably stay right where I am here in Colorado. It is just about everything I could want weather wise- almost always very mild and sunny, but the occasional snow storm or heat wave. Overall, it is just beautiful. If not here probably the west coast or Hawaii.
Coastal Maine is beautiful in the summer time, I love the small towns and so on. Visited there once for work and fell in love. Winter, not so much, though!

I think I'd split my time between Hawaii (not near the major tourist spots, please) the rest of the year and coastal Maine in the summertime.

Hubby likes the desert, and I have to admit, realistically speaking, that Las Vegas is the first of our ideal retirement places! Not too near the Strip, with a view of the mountains, and room to garden.
And finally have some chickens!

Whitewater The Chickenless
Only problem with there and here (Phoenix) is, it does get real warm in June, Jul and August.

Ever visit San Diego in August? It's like heaven.
wow, no one picked Michigan! Thats great I get the whole state to myself!

I'd stay here in Michigan, but would want alot more land, possibly the leelinau pennsula ... or Lake MI frontage....
and then some land in Either Arizona, New Mexico or Colorado.

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