If you could meet one BYC member in person, who would it be?

Oh, my little Northern friend...
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I try not to think about it.
The bugs and spices thing is so true. I worked at a spice store years ago and we regularly had to throw out stock because we found weevils
Is it even legal for citizens to place speed bumps on roads? I wouldn't think so...
No, it's not. And if I run over the cone or speed bump someone puts out and it ruins my car, I could sue them. They are taking control of traffic and that's not legal. We had this issue down my parent's road. Some idiot put a huge construction barrel in the middle of the road, over a pothole. She got all pissy when I moved it. But you can't block traffic or people from being able to pull out of their driveway. She refused to call the town to fix the pothole, just wanted to whine on facebook about it. My dad when to a city council meeting and the next day it was fixed

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