If you could only have ONE breed?

I would have to agree. although mine are not show standard and yet to give me a blue egg, out of all my breeds I own I think this would be the one I would choose to stick with. plus my boy has been the BEST rooster so far

Even our US standard Araucana Roos are the best. The temperament is unbelievably calm and caring. I can't wait to get another one.
So hard...
In NJ we get a lot of rain. Otherwise I’d pick silkies. Buff Orpingtons is my next go however, they are brightly colored and easy for predators to spot. There are lots of creepy little creatures in our neck the woods. Millie Fluer D’uccles are also awesome, however, feathered feet in the rain is a pain...
It’d have to be Easter Eggers.
One breed is impossible because, chicken math.
1+1=6 randomly assorted beautiful chickens!
Probably Orpingtons, they come in so many different colors/patterns if I got bored of just one variety, and my silver laced Orp is my favorite of the whole flock. I would be happy to just have a small flock of silver laced Orps in fact, I think they'd look cool as a group.

If not Orps probably bantam silkies because I love their temperaments and their floof.

I enjoy looking at the real flighty kinda wild foraging types like Sicilian buttercups and Eygptian Fayoumis, but they're a terrible match for me (suburban chickenkeeper with an enclosed backyard).
I have had 10 different breeds, but my favorite chicken of all of them is my barred rock hen Rocky....I like her barring, her classic chicken shape, her personality, the fact that she's still an excellent layer at 3 yrs of age. So if I had to start over w one breed, it would be the barred Plymouth Rock.
a rocket pic2.jpg

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