if you've received new chickies

Okay just to be clear with you all, you did NOT get an "Americana," you got an Easter Egger. Big difference.

The first time I got chicks from McMurray last year, they gave me an extra Turken. It was soo cute and jumpy, we named it Hopskotch! . . . But it eventually died.

The second time we tried again with McMurray and they gave us an Easter Egger, which by the way should be taken off their exotic list. . . That is not an "exotic" breed. Nonetheless, he is now our roo and father to the eggs in my incubator. Eventually he will be replaced with a real Ameraucana, but for now he's the head guy.

Here's Marc Antony, the "surprise chick" at 5 months. He's 7 mo now.


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