Ignoring new chicken


May 19, 2022
I have 2 new chickens added to my flock , and they have done amazing my chickens have not been mean . But they completely ignore one of the new ones and so does the other one that came with it. I’m so confused. My chickens are free range but she will stay in the coop and run while the others are out and about. Anyone experience this before ? I do have to say she is a trouble maker and spills the water empties the nesting boxes every single time 😂. I only have had chickens for a year just wondering if ignoring newcomers is a chicken thing .
Chickens are not people. Their social skills are not the same as ours. However, just as with humans, chickens can sometimes be loners, too.

The general rule with chicken social interactions is as long as no one is getting bullied and beat up, things are going well.
How long have you had the 2 new ones? If it's a fairly recent addition, she probably just needs some time to integrate with the flock. I wouldn't worry about it, though. Being ignored is a lot better than being bullied.
Yeah I agree, if you’ve only had them a couple days or so I wouldn’t worry. I added 2 new ones a couple months back, 1 of them was exactly like what you have described. She had no interest in mixing with the flock for just over a week. I felt bad for her too, but after a couple of weeks she was mixing with the others and was absolutely fine.

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